This is all the swag that I collected on the residency interview trail: four mugs, two flash drives, a drawstring backpack, a carabiner with measuring tape, a cell phone caddy, chapstick, hand sanitizer, chocolates, pens, a stack of business cards, and a leather business folder (from a Harvard program, natch). Probably the most unique gift set came from the Internal Medicine/Pediatrics program at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UMPC): a mini bottle of Heinz ketchup, a tiny Heinz pickle pin, and Mr. Yuck stickers. Heinz is of course a Steel City original, and the poison control logo was designed at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, where I will do half of my residency training. I promise the goody bag didn't have any impact on my rank-order list, but now that I have matched, I can start sporting UPMC pride!
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