Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oh, The Places I'll Go!

Here's a map of the places I will visit in my first two weeks in Europe. First, I fly into Copenhagen, Denmark for the 2010 Congress of the European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences at the Medical Museion at the University of Copenhagen.   I am not giving a paper, but I am rooming with the independent scholar who runs this super-cool blog: Morbid Anatomy.  Then I will take a looong train ride to Dortmund, to visit the library of the Deutsches Kochbuch Museum.  The weekend I will spend at the "Nutrition, Food, and Drink from the Perspective of the History of Medicine" conference held by the German Association for the History of Medicine, Science, and Technology in Maastrich, The Netherlands.  Some of my favorite scholars will be there!  Then I'll go back to Dortmund for a few days before moving into my room in Dresden.  I am excited to see some new places, meet a bunch of people, and get some reading done during all those train rides.

View September Travels in a larger map


  1. Gute Reise, du Glueckskind!

    Der Morgen, das ist meine Freude!
    Da steig ich in stiller Stund
    Auf den hoechsten Berg in die Weite,
    Gruess dich, Deutschland, aus Herzensgrund!

    Ann Russell


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