Friday, June 18, 2021

Cupboard Mouse

I am slowly acquiring accessories for my new cubicle at work, including my very own stapler; a couple of handsomely bound reprints of classic texts in the history of medicine that I retrieved from a trash can that had belonged to a senior faculty member who is cleaning out his office; some organizational doo-dads from a big box store to increase the storage capacity of the cabinet where I store my snacks--you knew I had a whole cabinet devoted to food, right?; and a cupboard mouse. She was made by a group of sewing ladies at church and sold to raise money for missions. Every year the mouse has a different theme: cowboy, hairdresser, birthday party, musician. Last year they made two styles of "pandemic mouse," one wearing a flowery dress and one wearing a light blue scrub dress and a white nurses cap. She has a tiny sani-wipe dispenser in one paw and holds a little mask in the other. So cute! We purchased one of each, and I brought the medical mouse to live in my desk cupboard, where you can't see that a certain feline tried to eat the back of her hair.

Editor's Note: This is the epilogue to a longer post about the journey it took to get a desk of my own--and my name on the door!

1 comment:

  1. I love the cupboard mouse. Could you get one for me. And of course you must have snacks. Love, Gram


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