Friday, March 29, 2019


Sometimes marriage looks like sleeping on the couch for 4+ nights in a row while your spouse hacks up a lung in your conjugal bed in the pest house formerly known as your joint bedroom. Dear Husband been laid low with what we suspect is influenza, but he felt too poorly to go to the doctor to get tested, so we've been treating him symptomatically with Day/Nyquil, ibuprofen, and whatever food or drink appeals to his diminished taste buds (mostly Gatorade and orange slices). He's starting to sound more like himself, so he's probably over the hump and on the mend for the next several days.

p.s. Yes, that is a canister of bleach wipes. I've been using them twice a day on door knobs, light switches, faucet handles, etc.

p.p.s. "Flu season" peaked late this year, with influenza A cases only starting to decline this past week; influenza B hasn't even started its ascent yet. If you haven't gotten a flu shot this winter, it's not too late! Remember that it takes 2 weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine, so sooner is better than later.

p.p.p.s. If you happen to be laid up with the flu, let This Podcast Will Kill You's influenza episode entertain you with the history and epidemiology of this disease.

p.p.p.p.s. Wash your hands/cover your cough!

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