Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What Residency Looks Like LXXVIII: Chew on this

Sometimes residency looks like a big smile before you start your senior talk on a controversial anti-dieting movement, only to realize that the latest version of the slides did not get saved in the cloud, so now you have to use an older version without all your nice edits, and then you wonder whether nobody will answer your easy open-ended question at the beginning because they disagree with you or because they saw you fumble and think you are incompetent. Except by the end of the talk you're running on time after all because you didn't have to try to power through all those extra slides you added last night, and in fact the audience is interrupting you to ask questions and make more comments and coming up afterwards excited to know your opinion, so maybe it wasn't such a disaster after all.

Title: "Health At Every Size: A Historical and Literature Review."

Best of all? I get a re-do next week at a different site. I might cut those extra slides, though.


1 comment:

Your comments let me know that I am not just releasing these thoughts into the Ether...