Sunday, November 22, 2020

Step into my office

Welcome to my office! My division currently does not have enough space to house all its faculty, so I have been sharing an office with several of the fellows and two other attendings. However, four of us are now trying to work in there at the same time. Given rising COVID cases and the fact that our employer says the most common source of at-work infections is break rooms and people eating together, as opposed to patient interactions, we do not feel that this setup is particularly safe. (One of the four of us was out earlier in the week for COVID testing, so it's not idle speculation.) Therefore, I have taken up residence in the empty conference room--at least for the weekend, while there are no meetings or teaching going on there. It's a wet morning in Pittsburgh, but this is still one of my favorite views of the city. You can also see the "congratulations on being halfway done with your first week as a hospital attending" card that Dear Husband got me. He's so supportive about the fact that we rarely get to see each other for two weeks. Yesterday was my half-day off, and we spent part of it eating dinner and watching half of Enola Holmes, until an early bedtime for me, except then I did two hours of charting and emailing until I actually fell asleep.

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