Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter 2021!

Dear Husband gave me permission to rouse him if I woke up before dawn on Easter morning. My internal clock went off promptly at 6:30am, so I nudged him awake. By the time we were dressed, the sky was already well lit, 10 minutes before official sunrise. Nevertheless, we had the streets and Frick Park mostly to ourselves for a hike.

An hour and 15 minutes later, we came home ready for breakfast. While the sticky buns baked in the oven, we "dueled" with the hard-boiled eggs we had dyed Saturday night and enjoyed one of the pears that--miraculously--was already ripe.

After sticky buns, it was time to clean house before Zoom church. It was a lovely service, punctuated by a "music video" DH put together of him playing the Widor Toccata with shots of the beautiful sanctuary stained glass windows. (Make sure your sound is on when you click the link!)

We had a vaccinated friend and his 7-year-old daughter over for dinner. The highlight of the weekend was probably preparing for and conducting a 34-plastic-egg hunt in our house, complete with the reading of the jokes and bits of philosophy tucked in the eggs with the jelly beans. For instance, "Q. What do you call 10 rabbits walking backwards? A. A receding hare line." Yuck yuck yuck!

Dinner was ham we baked with spinach salad and beer bread from our guest. Dessert was a pink-frosted carrot cake that our youngest table partner proclaimed was "the best" she had ever had--and she should know, because her family loves carrot cake. It was delicious, although next time I think I would increase the oven temperature by maybe 5 degrees to see if I could get rid of the touch of sogginess at the center.

After-dinner entertainment was ukelele music and singing, including "Auld Lang Syne," "Over the Rainbow," and the Disney/Pixar hit "I Lava You."

We hope you had a safe and blessed Easter. He is risen! He is risen indeed!

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