Friday, August 6, 2021

No so fast

One day I looked for a non-alcohol-related local attraction and found the Sargeant Museum of Louisa County History. As well traveled as grandmother is, she had already been here! So the rest of us left her to do a jigsaw puzzle.

Although I had called ahead the day before to make sure the museum would be open, it was closed when we arrived! After briefly exploring the grounds, we found a nearby park for a short walk. Even though we had gotten lost once, by the time we got back--they were still closed.

Old, nearly all-wooden rails.

Old house that, I think, doubled as a pharmacy. There was also a one-room schoolhouse. Unfortunately, the supplementary buildings are not opened except on special occasions. Behind it you can see part of a teaching herb garden.

Despite ringing the ancient mechanical doorbell, there was no sign of life until we had decided to leave and gotten back into our cars to head home for lunch. Then the docent came out and explained they had just finished recording something and would we please like to come in after all.

There was a surprisingly large amount of content, with particular emphases on transportation and education, after the expected rooms dedicated to the original Native inhabitants and to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

I could not read everything until the group decided it was time to head back and feed grandmother lunch.

Next: Here come the bride and groom...

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