Sunday, November 20, 2022

Thrifty & Crafty

I have an occasional Zoom "craft date" with friend J.R., when we chat over video while she weaves or sews and I mend or do other crafty projects, like the "surgery" I performed on two Styrofoam "hell cat" Halloween decorations that needed weighted bottoms to make them less likely to tip over in the wind. (A scowling guard feline looks so much less fearsome on its side.)

This month I tackled the green-glass desk lamp I bought second hand whose metal based was wonky. I couldn't get the central disk to line up with the two outer rings, so I invested in a mini-glue gun, harvested some sturdy cardboard from a box in the attic, and created a green-felt-wrapped layer to even out the bottom. Now it no longer rocks against the wooden desk.

I'm pretty pleased by the way it turned out.

When the lamp was finished, I used some of the corner scraps to pad the paws of the iron mouse doorstop I thrifted for the attic door. We have to prop it open so Rosamunda can get up and down from her litter box, but when the weather was warmer and the windows were open, the door banged every time there was a draft. Now there's a bright idea.

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