Sunday, April 19, 2020

The most quarantine things I did

I have been more or loss quarantined for the last three weeks. The last time I left my house for work was Friday, March 27, but I had basically stopped caring for patients in person the week before that, either because they did not show up at clinic, or because I went to the hospital but did my consults from a distance. Being relieved of clinical duties freed up significant time for me to do other work, when I wasn't managing the influx of COVID-19 related information from the news, social media, my three residency programs, hospital, clinic, and every medical organization that has ever gotten possession of my email. Ditto for a number of companies reassuring me they were ready for the pandemic, and oh by the way did I want to purchase something from them for delivery/to use in the future once I got out?

Like all the other pediatric residents at my institution, I was pulled from the elective rotations I so carefully chose for my last three months of residency for their diversity of experiences--and favorable work hours, I won't lie--to be kept at home "on jeopardy" 1/4 of the time, be off 1/4 of the time, and work 7 days in a row the other 1/2 of the time. The children's hospital is being maintained on a skeleton crew due to the low number of patients and high number of potential COVID exposures on the staff. Quarantine is a novel experience for me, as for so many of us, although I confess that the introverted workaholic who was already overextended is not so secretly grateful to be able to devote so much time to studying, teaching, sleeping, and the following activities:

Cleaned house, did laundry
Sent long email updates to friends and family (if you didn't get one, have you checked your spam folder?)
Never set an alarm in the morning
Alternated my outfits between couch potato and put-together, depending on my mood and whether anyone besides Dear Husband would see me via teleconference
Cooked: potato and bean casserole, tuna pasta, black bean and corn soup ("Pittsburgh soup")
Baked: scones, chocolate chip cookies, blackberry oatmeal bars
Took a walk everyday with my housemate while trying to remain 6 feet away from everyone else
Had a conversation from the sidewalk with friends on their front porch
Watched a lot of COVID parody songs, famous people reading stuff, and late-night comedians become day-time YouTubers
Listened to the entire soundtrack of Hamilton
Held a weekly disaster-themed film series

Things I used Zoom/Microsoft Teams/Google Hangouts to do: listen to COVID updates multiple times per week; participate in live-streamed educational sessions about medicine and/or history; worship on Sunday mornings; teach college and medical students; participate in a hip-hop class; have "happy hour" with friends; celebrate my father in law's birthday; and eat Easter dinner "with" family. (We had ham, roasted asparagus, and black-eyed peas with spinach and onion.)

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