Sunday, April 19, 2020

What Residency Looks Like XCI: Food on the Run

Sometimes residency looks like meal prep in the morning before a 12-hour shift. If I get up before 7am, I typically need "2 carbs" to make it to lunch. This photo shows first breakfast (oatmeal with raisins, walnuts, cinnamon, and brown sugar); second breakfast (homemade oatmeal blackberry coffee cake and a hard-boiled egg); a mango-flavored bubbly water in case I couldn't make it to the water fountain to refill my big blue flask; and afternoon snack (homemade chocolate chip cookies and a sliced apple). I used meal tickets to buy lunch at the cafeteria, and I ate leftovers for dinner when I got home.

What I ate while on service: 3 pieces of veggie pizza (free), 6 squares of blackberry oatmeal coffee cake, 7 hard boiled eggs, 7 apples, 5-6 bananas, 1 orange, 3 bowls of oatmeal, 2 bowls of yogurt and granola, 15 homemade chocolate chip cookies, 1 piece of chocolate, 1 freezer-burnt pre-boxed salad from the cafeteria, 1 salad that was not frozen, 2 bags BBQ potato chips, 1 crab cake sandwich consumed 30 minutes after it was reheated for me, 1 large plate of very salty pasta with Swedish meatballs, 1 slightly soggy cookies and cream ice cream cone (free), 1 bag of Chex Mix party mix, 2 chicken tenders, 2 small salads, part of a high-protein cookie, tortellini soup that was salty from having cooked down, a 100-calorie baggie of Lorna Doone cookies, a bag of white cheddar popcorn. There definitely would have been more chocolate if I knew what had happened to the stash that used to live in the left-hand bottom drawer, but oh well.


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