Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020


Since there aren't any meetings or classes today, I'm back in my "office" for the holiday shift. The residency bought Thanksgiving lunch for everyone who had to work today: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing (flavored to perfection), green beans that were surprisingly not boiled to within an inch of their lives, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. I skipped the dinner roll but was glad of the cranberry sauce--so afraid was I that there wouldn't be any that I made my batch early and brought it with me to the hospital! (There's a long story about how I assumed there wouldn't be a potluck this year because of the pandemic, planned to buy my team a hot lunch, and both Boston Markets within driving distance were booked for Thanksgiving. It turned out there would be food on Thursday but not Friday, so we pushed our plans back by a day; Dear Husband will deliver the food to the hospital so we can celebrate together but away from every else. Whew.) 

Today I am grateful for my life and health, for my loving family and amazing friends, for a comfortable place to live, plenty of food to eat, more books than I could ever read, an excellent education, and my dream job right out of training. If we haven't seen each other in a while, please reach out. I want to make time for a Zoom chat, Google Duo, walk in Frick Park, or a plain old-fashioned phone call.

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