Friday, November 27, 2020

Turkey Day, Take 2

The day after Thanksgiving, things were still mostly running as if in holiday mode. Dear Husband picked up individually packed lunches for my team and our sister team, and I smuggled him into the hospital (hey--he's MY support person!) to deliver it. After dropping off the food for the residents, who promptly scattered to different nooks and crannies so they could safely unmask, we went back to my "office" to eat together as a household.

Critic's take: the turkey was thick and moist, there was plenty of good gravy, the mashed potatoes and corn were passable, the sweet potato casserole was SWEET, the creamed spinach was salty, and the gratis cornbread was cold (ick). You can see my homemade orange-flavored cranberry sauce in the corner. It turns out the only reason we've been married for 15 years is that I keep forgetting DH doesn't like cranberry sauce, while it's my favorite part of the meal. Ah well, more for me!


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