Thursday, November 2, 2017

Halloween Pumpkin Contest

One of the best parts about working in a children's hospital is that people rarely take themselves as seriously as at adult hospitals. Case in point: the non-carving pumpkin-decorating contest (sharp knives are dangerous, you know). These spooky and silly specimens were among the dozens on display in the cafeteria. It was a popularity contest, but I never did hear who won. Probably everyone, just for participating. I certainly enjoyed looking at all the contributions.

You've got Edward Same-Day Surgery Hands on the left, 
and a bejeweled and befeathered "Proud as a peacock of peds residents" on the right.

There were a couple of variations on the candied apple theme, a Troll, and a mummy. 
The Pediatric Puffer Phish from the research administration has spines made
of Hershey's kisses and lips of Chinese fortune cookies!

Among the more artistic were this Wizard of Oz globe and a Man in the Moon (with witch).

And then there was the submission from Radiology: an x-ray of Gordy Orange's head. 
"Looks seedy" it says in the upper right; in the lower left, the diagnosis is rendered as "seeditis." 
I understand that condition is often cured by lobotomy.

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