Monday, October 12, 2020

"Miracle" Soup Tastes Better Than It Looks

Friend R.E. shared this recipe for "Miracle Cauliflower Soup" on Facebook, and I decided to use her lazy bookmark as inspiration for dinner and a week of leftovers for lunch. Here's the FrDrDr version:

1. Send Dear Husband to the grocery store for supplies, namely a head of cabbage, a head of cauliflower, and enough boxed low-sodium chicken broth to juuust cover 20 cups (!) of vegetables.

2. Contemplate how different the final product would taste with the red cabbage DH brought home. (Apparently he initially picked out a green cabbage, then changed his mind AND PUT IT BACK to get a red one, and forgot that he had a communication device in his pocket with which he could have asked me what I needed.)

3. Go to the co-op for the first time since the pandemic started. Score a decent-sized green cabbage but get somewhat lost because the bulk-goods section has been rearranged.

4. Choose your cooking movie: Disney's The Princess and the Frog.

5. Chop the cauliflower: 4 cups. Chop half the cabbage: 5 cups. That math isn't even close.

6. Chop some garlic with which to saute the veggies. Remember that you don't have sesame oil like the one reviewer recommended, and that you will be flavoring the soup with the broth anyway.

7. Bring all the veggies and 2 boxes of broth to a boil, then reduce to simmer for an hour.

8. Look up Rotkohl recipes. Decide to make Asian chicken and cabbage salad with the rest of the cabbage.

9. Turn of the soup to cool while you have a Zoom meeting with an undergraduate student who thinks he wants to become a Herr Doktor Doctor in history of medicine.

10. Blend the soup in batches with the rest of a tub of blue cheese. Season with black pepper. Save 1/3 for dinner the next night and freeze 2/3 for later/lunches.

11. DH was pleasantly surprised by the result and told me I could serve him cabbage and cauliflower like this any time I wanted--it's a miracle!

P.S.--DH made it up to me by bringing home this adorably round little pumpkin AND a bag of candy pumpkins. Pumpkin earrings were made by my friend J.R.

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