Friday, February 17, 2017

What Internship Looks Like XXXI: a Menagerie

This week's night crew at the children's hospital decided to do an animal-themed potluck on Friday night. Each team was supposed to bring in food that represented their animal. My team also dressed up as our namesake.

Here was the menu:

Bunnies -- carrot and celery sticks with Ranch dip aka "rabbit food"

Frogs -- "lily pads" = chicken salad on lettuce leaves and "froggies" = mint chocolate chip cookies with green food coloring

Swine -- pork sausage pizza; there was a rumor about Spam, but I don't know if that ever happened.
Buffalo -- buffalo chicken pizza, of course

Dogs -- puppy chow and (to my dismay) Chinese food

There was lots of other food: cheesecake, chips and guacamole, yogurt cups and granola bars. Needless to say, none of the animals went hungry. And a 7-year-old patient complimented me on my bunny ears, which I will wear again in clinic around Easter.


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